About Us


BRIDGES is an advocacy coalition made up of organizations from across Maryland, committed to ending overdose and criminalization by promoting safe spaces, dignity, health, and justice for people who use drugs.

We are advocating for the legal authorization of overdose prevention sites in Maryland that promote:

  • SAFETY because safer consumption in OPS build stronger communities.

  • HEALTH because OPS provide a bridge to wellness and healthcare.

  • DIGNITY because OPS bring loved ones out of isolation, into healing.

  • JUSTICE because OPS provide the safety we need and the justice we deserve.

All coalition members must uphold our values and principles in their work.

Prioritize relationships — At the core of the coalition are high-quality, compassionate, empathetic relationships towards each other, our communities, and our loved ones.

Humility and flexibility — Moving the coalition forward requires continuously engaging in critical self-reflection and willingness to learn and shift our personal perspectives.

Open communication — This coalition is built upon open communication rooted in truth-sharing, transparency, authenticity, and simply checking in on each other.

Leaderfulness — In BRIDGES, there is room for all. This means a strong practice of equitable facilitation, accepting leadership, showing up, listening, and reviewing notes.

Racial justice analysis — Growing a movement to increase safety for all requires a willingness to understand (and be honest about) how systems have been designed to stigmatize Black people, communities of color and poor people.

Join Us

Send us a message with your name, your organization’s name, and your contact info. We’d love to have you!